The measure of our Love is the measure of our worth to society.
Perhaps we have never thought of it in these terms.
Men are valued according to their financial or political standing in a community. It is a problem of how much money they have or how much political influence they can swing. Yet, in the final analysis, the men who love are the men who help the community.
Man was created by love to answer the heart cry of the Father-God.
Man outside of love is a failure.
Selfishness is the blighting curse to the human. Love stops the rust of selfishness, preserves the home and Church life from decay.
The lover is like rustless steel. We know that the largest part of steel is destroyed by rust. We know the largest portion of home life in America is destroyed by selfishness.
Marriage is wrecked by selfishness. The home life disintegrates because the husband is selfish and the wife seeks her own. The children are born and grow up in that atmosphere. They go out into life handicapped.
It is a well-known fact that children who grow up in Godly homes have a better chance in life than those who grow up in homes where there is quarreling and bitterness.
More than seventy-five percent of the boys and girls who are delinquent have come out of broken homes.
It is almost impossible to find in any of our penal institutions a young man or woman whose father and mother were both walking in the new kind of love when the child was born and while it was growing up.
Love is God’s adhesive power that binds us together.

What Have You Done With Love?

We have forgotten that Love will make a man a success.
It will put him over where nothing else would make him a victor.
Love never fails. It is the Master-ruler.
It will lead a man out of selfishness, out of weakness and failure into the very strength and ability of Christ.
There is no force in the world that it cannot dominate.
It makes us wanted.
It makes us a blessing.
It enables us to take Jesus’ place.
I have sometimes wondered what would happen if a man dared to go the limit with Love.
Some have neglected it, acting as though they did not have it; utterly ignoring its very existence, and yet they want the Father’s help in time of need.
Love must be enthroned in the heart.
It must govern the life.
As love takes over the kingdom of our spirit, then that wonderful passage in II Corinthians 5:14-15 becomes a living reality: ” For the love of Christ constraineth us (or better, For the love of Christ has gained control, has taken us over), because we thus judge, that one died for all, therefore all died; and he died for all, that I whom he has made alive, should no longer live unto myself but unto him who for their sakes died and rose again.”
Paul’s friends had challenged him. They said he was beside himself, but the love of Christ has so set him on fire that he was slowly burning up.
His very being was saturated with the passion that drove Jesus to the cross.
Now you can understand 1 Cor.10:24 “Let no man seek his own, but each his neighbor’s good.”
When Love is at white heat, selfishness stops reigning.
What an unhappy thing it is for selfishness to have any part in the government of this New Creation.
Selfishness is as deadly poison.
It is poison to the spirit.
It is poison to the Body of Christ.
It causes practically all the diseases in the body.
It is a strange thing how selfishness has never been feared by man.
He fears it in the other man but not in himself.
It is the cause of all the wars that have come; of all the strikes, the battle between labor and capital, and the strife in politics.
That thing born in the Garden has grown so mighty that it governs the nations of the earth, and Love is the only thing that can destroy it.
1 John 4:16 was one of the hardest scriptures that ever faced me.
It didn’t seem to me that I could ever enter into it.
“And we know and have believed the love which God hath in our case. God is love; and he that abideth in love abideth in God, and God in him.”
Here are three great facts. First, I have come to believe in Love.
I believe it is best to let it govern my life. I have come to believe that it is the best method of ruling a home, a business, a government.
You know only a few folks believe in Love.
They believe in force; they believe in intrigue; they believe in sense knowledge arguments. If in your heart you believe that the Love way is best, then act it.
Not only is it best, but it is your way. It is the way you are going to walk regardless of how anyone else walks; you are going to walk the Love way, and when you do, you discover you are living in the Love Realm.
Your home is in Love.
Whenever you step out of Love, you step into darkness and unhappiness, and so you have learned to stay in the Love way.
You found that living in Love is actually living in the highest, sweetest fellowship with the Father.
It is actually living with Him.
He has come into you.

This page Copyright © 2000 Peter Wade. The Bible text in this publication, except where otherwise indicated, is from the King James Version. This article appears on the site: Check out our Bookstore.